The Indiana Toll Road does NOT send out text messages or call customers requesting unpaid toll payments.
If you receive a text message, click here to report it.

Special Hauling Permits

Special Hauling Permits allow travel Monday through Friday, from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset. Certain Permits allow travel Saturday from 30 minutes before sunrise to 12:00 p.m.

Permitted vehicles are restricted during certain holidays.

Vehicles exceeding 10′ in width are not allowed to travel during hours of darkness on the Indiana Toll Road.

Get a Special Hauling Permit

Permits are issued by:

Indiana Department of Revenue
7811 Milhouse Rd., Suite M
Indianapolis, IN 46241

For more information, please call the DOR at 317-615-7320.

Password recovery

Enter your email address to which a password reset link will be sent.
If you have forgot your username, email for assistance. Please do not attempt to create a new account, as that will delay your access.